May 4, 2022

How Amare Products Helped My Mental Wellness

From struggling to thriving. How Amare Products helped my mental wellness journey.

In this blog, I will be sharing my very intimate and personal journey of triumph over Lyme Disease.

I am sharing this personal piece of my life in the hopes that I will help at least one person gain happiness, joy, confidence, and empowerment.

If you prefer to catch the video version, then grab it on Youtube.

Otherwise, please continue on…


I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2019. It was a long and brutal journey to receiving the diagnosis. And I hope you NEVER have to experience this disease.

During this period, I visited 14 doctors in various specialty areas. All without answers.

It wasn’t until a stranger had the courage to speak up during a visit for a blood draw, and asked if I had ever been tested for Lyme.

The answer was a solid no. She then gave me a doctor recommendation.

So I didn’t skip a beat. I immediately contacted the facility and made an appointment.

Upon completing my initial visit, the doctor was certain that I was positive for Lyme.

The diagnosis was confirmed after testing. Also added to the Lyme diagnosis was Mold Toxicity and Epstein-Barr.

Plus, I had numerous blood labs that were out of range that had further complicated my symptoms.


I was challenged with numerous symptoms:

Severe fatigue, severe muscle and joint pain.

Light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, headaches, and brain fog.

Ringing ears, nausea, difficulty walking, and poor balance.

Difficulty using hands, memory issues, muscle spasms, and difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking.

At my lowest point, I eventually become couch bound. I could barely get myself to the bathroom during the day while my husband was at work.

He would prepare extra food at supper so I would have lunch available for the next day.

As my symptoms progressed, severe depression and anxiety rattled my very core.

I had tried prescription medications to relieve the emotional stress, but they made my symptoms worse.

Before being crippled by this ugly disease, I provided Physical Therapy for 26 years.

I loved my job and I loved serving others and took pride in assisting them to return to their home.

But due to my debilitating condition, I was forced to retire in 2019.

The last 3 years have challenged me in every aspect of my life. It truly has been the most challenging season my existence.

Eventually, I came to the place that I no longer wanted to exist in my body. Day after day was increasingly exhausting.

Then unexpectantly, 12 months into my healing journey, a new friend crossed my path.

God has blessed me with the bravery of strangers.

I was sharing with her where I was at mentally, physically, and spiritually in my journey. Bottom line. I was done.

She shared with me what she was doing to address her emotional issues with Amare Products.

And her results brought hope.

I was intrigued to say the least. I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. And it was a natural approach.

So I ordered my products.

To my amazement, after only 2 days, my severe depression and anxiety had dramatically lifted. I thought it was a fluke. How was this possible.

But here I am, 2 years later, and the Amare products are a daily regime that I will never stop.

It truly is my lifeblood.

Amare Products

The Amare Products that changed my life, are Amare Fundamentals, Amare Mood+, and Amare Happy Juice.

Now I get the blessing of experiencing joy, hope, focus, clarity, confidence, and empowerment.

Plus I get the honor of serving others to uplevel their mental wellness.

Let’s face it, people are craving holistic solutions like never before.

If you are looking for a natural way to improve your mental health, then check out Amare Products.

If you found this article helpful, please share and leave a comment below.

Wishing you much success in your journey,


* Disclosure: Some of the links in this blog are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies, products, and courses because of their quality and not because I earn a commission. The decision is completely in your hands.

About the author 

Jen Jones

Jennifer Jones helps train women to build businesses leveraging simple online strategies to create the business and lifestyle that they deserve.

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