May 10, 2021

Frustrated with the lack of results on your Facebook page…

Seeing the same ole people commenting on your posts..

You have thousands of friends, but don’t know who is active or not…

All of this can slow down the reach of your posts and content.

You need oodles of eyes on your page everyday to increase your leads and sales.

Right!!  I get you!!!

And here is what I found to Increase my Engagement by 65% in ONLY 3 Days!!!

I am in love with this App and believe you will be too.

I used to try to clean up my friends list manually.  And oh boy, was that a nightmare.

After all, I couldn’t really sift and sort through 4000 friends to see who had commented, shared, or reacted to my content.

And being a savvy business owner, I know the importance of the ratio of active to passive friends on Facebook.

It’s all about improving the algorithm so your content reaches farther and thus the end result is to increase your business volume.

The FriendFilter extension will scan your Facebook page through your browser and report on who is engaging with your page and who is not.  I recommend this tool and I am an affiliate for FriendFilter.

Using FriendFilter Pro, you will be able to find the friends who are engaging with your posts, and remove the friends who are not engaging.

The FriendFilter extension is free to download and run the report.

With FriendFilter Pro, the application will give you access to whitelist your friends and add people to your TO BE REMOVED tab.

Then you can set the system to go find the conversations on Facebook who are not engaging, and they will automatically be added to your TO BE DELETED column.                                               

The FriendFilter App was created because other apps just find the inactive profiles...and the other apps were too difficult to manage.

With FriendFilter Pro, you can manage your list every month, keeping your friends list clean and making room for new friends.

And You will improve your FB Algorithm which can increase your leads and sales.

Grab your FriendFilter App here.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this blog are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies, products, and courses because of their quality and not because I earn a commission. The decision is completely in your hands.

About the author 

Jen Jones

Jennifer Jones helps train women to build businesses leveraging simple online strategies to create the business and lifestyle that they deserve.

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    How To Master Facebook Lives

    Let's face it.  Facebook Lives can be intimidating. That is why I have created this Guide.  This Resource will breakdown the components of creating a Facebook Live so that you can deliver an effective message with confidence.  You will have your audience eager to stop and watch and keep coming back for more. 

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